A Cutting Mat is a must-have for almost any project that requires a free hand cutting tool. Torstar has a wide range of Cutting Mats in a variety of sizes, styles, colours, and hard and soft (self-healing) surfaces to fit your needs. Our range of cutting mats are perfect for use in the workplace, education or at home. They are made with a durable and hard-wearing construction that can withstand heavy duty use. The mats have been designed with safety in mind, featuring a non-slip surface and rounded corners for added protection. The range includes a variety of sizes to suit your needs, ideal for use with a wide range of materials including paper, card and fabric. We also carry a wide range of office printers, scanners, computers and other essential supplies and equipment to help you get the job done. Order yours today!
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General Stationery, General Stationery, Office Supplies, Pencils, Pencils - Graphite, School Supplies
‘Staedtler Tradition® Graphite Pencils 4B Card 3
STD1104BBK30 out of 5 -
General Stationery, General Stationery, Office Supplies, Pencils, Pencils - Graphite, School Supplies
‘Staedtler tradition® Graphite Pencils 6B Card 3
STD1106BBK30 out of 5 -
General Stationery, General Stationery, Office Supplies, Pencils, Pencils - Graphite, School Supplies
‘Staedtler tradition® Graphite Pencils B Card 3
STD110BBK30 out of 5
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